Alcohol & Other Drug Services
Confidential drug and alcohol-related evaluations and outpatient services are provided at Counseling & Psychological Services at no additional charge to enrolled FSU students. Students may be mandated for evaluation by various FSU departments. Evaluations require two sessions with a licensed Certified Addictions Professional using interview and standardized assessment instruments. Students may also be seen for outpatient substance use counseling or referred elsewhere, as appropriate.
Please be aware that Counseling & Psychological Services does not conduct court-mandated drug/alcohol evaluations or counseling.
Couples Counseling
Couples counseling is offered to students on a short-term basis to help address a variety of issues, including communications skills, conflict resolution/problem solving, and other issues that may arise within a relationship. One of the individuals must be currently enrolled at Florida State University to be considered eligible for couples counseling.
Crisis Intervention
Different types of crisis intervention services are provided by the counseling center staff. These include working with students on an individual basis, consulting with faculty/staff and at times parents, to help them determine when a referral may be needed for a student. Support services are also provided for parties affected by campus crises.
Students having a crisis may come to the center to see an on-call counselor without an appointment. A plan will be formulated to address the needs of the student. This plan may include scheduling a follow-up intake, and/or a referral for other services. Clinicians are available to assist faculty/staff as well as parents to identify when it is appropriate to refer a student to the counseling center.
Counseling & Psychological Services has a clinician on duty24/7 by calling 850-644-TALK (8255). The following agencies may be contacted for additional assistance:
- FSU Police Department
(850) 644-1234 - 211 Big Bend 24-hour Crisis Help Line- Local
Call 211 or (850) 617-6333
Toll Free 1-877-211-7005 - Tallahassee Memorial Bixler Trauma & Emergency Center
1300 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 431-0912 - Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Behavioral Health Center
1616 Physicians Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 431-5105
Eating Disorder Treatment Team
Counseling & Psychological Services and the University Health Services use a team approach in helping people with eating disorders. The “team” approach is the most successful way of helping those coping with eating disorders or who may be engaged in disordered eating behaviors. Individual counseling, nutrition counseling, and medical consultation are all essential aspects of treatment for eating disorders.
Counseling & Psychological Services provides individual counseling which addresses emotional issues that contribute to disordered eating. When a student comes in for counseling, the counselor will typically refer the person to a physician for a physical exam and to a nutritionist for nutrition counseling. This team of professionals will then work together with the student to provide the most effective treatment possible. Students with chronic or severe eating disorders may be referred to community outpatient or inpatient services.
Group Counseling
Group counseling offers a safe environment in which to give and receive support regarding specific issues, explore healthy behaviors, and develop new ways of coping. It allows an opportunity to learn more about oneself and others in a climate of trust and mutual support.
Counseling & Psychological Services offers a variety of groups each semester for currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students each semester.. Those groups recently offered have focused on issues such as relationships, grief, shyness/social anxiety, common experiences or developing specific skills. Like individual counseling, group counseling is confidential; information disclosed to other members is not discussed outside the group.
While many of our groups run open-endedly, some of our offerings change from semester to semester. Membership in a group is by referral only; all students in our groups have an assigned primary counselor at CAPS. Please speak with your primary counselor about group if you are interested in participating in a group. If you do not have a primary counselor and are interested in our groups, please walk-in Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm and speak with a Triage clinician. Group counseling is a very effective and efficient way to deal with many of the concerns that face undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students.
For more information, call 850-644-TALK (8255) or stop by Counseling & Psychological Services, located on the 2nd floor of the Askew Student Life Center.
American Group Psychotherapy Association: What is Group Therapy?
Individual Counseling
Individual short-term therapy is provided at the center to help students address a variety of concerns and issues. Common presenting problems.
In your initial interview, a counselor will assess your needs and what services may be most appropriate. Students whose needs cannot be met at the Counseling & Psychological Services may be referred to other departments or services on campus and/or in the community, as appropriate.
Faculty, staff, parents and friends can assist students in need of counseling by referring them to visit Counseling & Psychological Services for a walk-in appointment on the 2nd floor of the Askew Student Life Building.
FSU faculty and staff seeking counseling for personal concerns should contact the Employee Assistance Program at 850-644-2288.
Employee Assistance Program
The EAP is a free, confidential program providing a professional support system for the faculty and staff of the university. Since its inception in 1995, the EAP has assisted thousands of employees through professional, personal and family issues.
Learn More
Faculty, staff, parents and friends who have concerns about a student may consult with a Counseling & Psychological Services counselor by calling 850-644-TALK (8255) during business hours. We provide support and information when a referral for services may be needed. Consultative services are also available to help parties affected by campus crises.
Learn More
Newsletter Signup
Stay up-to-date on our workshops and events!
Counseling & Psychological Services is fully-committed to the health and wellness of our students. We offer daily scheduled drop-in workshops remotely via zoom.
Request a presentation or other outreach
Outreach Topics
Outreaches Include: Presentations, Tabling, Interviews, and other collaborations
request a presentation or other outreach
Presentations provide general information about various topics, usually range in length from 30 minutes to 1 hour. In addition to the topics below we also develop presentations to meet specific needs. If you have questions on outreach, please email the Mental Health Education Coordinator at Please note, if you are interested in connecting with a counselor please call 850-644-TALK (8255).
Presentation Topics Include:
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Adjusting to the University
- Anger Management
- Communication Skills*
- Conflict Management
- Counseling and Psychological Services Information
- Developing a Healthy Self-Image
- Developing Healthy Relationships*
- Grief and Loss
- Mental Health Boot Camp (1hr)
- Noles C.A.R.E. Suicide Prevention (1hr)
- Relationship Violence
- Resilience (1hr)
- Self-Esteem/Assertiveness
- Sexual Assault
- Stress Management*
- Study Skills/Test Anxiety*
- Time Management*
- Other?
*Staff or RENEW members
Are you looking for a 1-on-1 session with a peer educator? RENEW will work with your schedule to provide education and resources on the following topics: Adulting 101 (Stress Management), Healthy Communication, Life Transitions, Self-Esteem, Study Skills, and Time Management. To schedule a individual instructional session click here.
Counseling & Psychological Services peer education program, RENEW, provides individual instructional sessions to students. These sessions focus on learning and applying new skills in your everyday life. Details and topics for the instructional sessions are listed below.
To schedule an individual instructional session, please submit a request using the link below. After your responses have been submitted and reviewed, a RENEW peer educator will contact you within a week to schedule the session. Individual Instructional Sessions are staffed every Monday night during the Fall and Spring semester. In order for a request to be staffed at the Monday night meeting, it needs to be received by 12:00pm the day of.