Campus Resources

Academic Advising


Undergraduate Studies (Lower Division) 
(850) 644-2451
Upper Division – Contact Dean of your College

Assessment For Learning Disabilities and ADHD


Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Consultation Center 
(For children and adolescents under the age of 18) 
(850) 644-2222

Adult Learning Evaluation Center 
(850) 644-3611

FSU Psychology Clinic 
(850) 644-3006

Career Counseling/Advising


The FSU Career Center 
(850) 644-6431

Greek Life


Office of Greek Life
(850) 644-9574

International Students


Center for Global Engagement
(850) 645-2112

National Alliance for Mental Illness at Florida State University (NAMI on Campus FSU)

Nutrition Counseling


University Health Services 
(850) 644-8871



Counseling & Psychological Services
(850) 644-TALK (8255)

Student Resilience Project

FSU Psychology Clinic 
(850) 644-3006

Center for Couple and Family Therapy 
(850) 644-1588

Human Services Center
(850) 644-3857

FSU Victim Advocate Program 
(850) 644-7161

Employee Assistance Program at FSU
(For current employees of FSU)
(850) 644-2288

Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic
(850) 645-1766

Student Veterans Center


Student Veterans Center
(850) 645-9867

Students needing Accommodations


Office of Accessibility Services
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)