Stay up-to-date on our workshops and events!
Counseling & Psychological Services is fully-committed to the health and wellness of our students. We offer daily scheduled drop-in workshops remotely via zoom.
Highlighted Workshops
Outreaches Include: Presentations, Tabling, Interviews, and other collaborations
Request an outreach
Presentations provide general information about various topics, usually range in length from 30 minutes to 1 hour. In addition to the topics below we also develop presentations to meet specific needs. If you have questions on outreach, please email the Mental Health Education Coordinator at Please note, if you are interested in connecting with a counselor please call 850-644-TALK (8255).
Presentation Topics Include:
- Alcohol and Other Drugs: Learn how substance use impacts mental health and explore healthier coping strategies.
- Adjusting to the University: Navigate the challenges of transitioning to college life with tips for academic and personal success.
- Anger Management: Develop effective techniques to manage and channel anger in healthy ways.
- *Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in personal and professional relationships.
- Conflict Management: Gain tools to resolve conflicts constructively and strengthen relationships.
- Counseling and Psychological Services Information: Discover the range of mental health services and resources available at FSU CAPS.
- Developing a Healthy Self-Image: Build a positive self-image and strengthen your sense of self-worth.
- *Developing Healthy Relationships: Learn how to foster and maintain healthy, respectful relationships.
- Grief and Loss: Explore strategies to cope with grief and process the emotions of losing a loved one.
- Mental Health Boot Camp (1hr): An overview of how to recognize and respond to mental health needs in others. Student and Faculty/Staff options available
- Noles C.A.R.E. Suicide Prevention (1hr): Learn how to recognize and respond to signs of suicidal thoughts in others.
- Relationship Violence: Understand the signs of relationship violence and how to seek support and safety.
- Resilience (1hr): Develop skills to bounce back from adversity and build mental toughness.
- Self-Esteem/Assertiveness: Learn how to boost self-esteem and communicate assertively in different situations
- Sexual Assault: Gain awareness about sexual assault, consent, and available resources for survivors.
- *Stress Management: Learn practical strategies to manage stress and maintain balance in your life.
- *Study Skills/Test Anxiety: Develop effective study habits and techniques to manage test anxiety.
- Time Management: Learn how to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively for academic success.
- AND Customization available with consultation!
*Staff or RENEW members
Are you looking for a 1-on-1 session with a peer educator? RENEW will work with your schedule to provide education and resources on the following topics: Adulting 101 (Stress Management), Healthy Communication, Life Transitions, Self-Esteem, Study Skills, and Time Management. To schedule a individual instructional session click here.