Contact Us

Counseling Appointments

The front desk

To see a counselor, please visit our center on the second floor of Askew Student Life Center, Suite 250 between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday for a brief triage session.

During the triage session, a counselor will determine the best plan for your needs, which may include scheduling another brief session, scheduling an intake appointment, or discussing referral options.
From mid-semester through the end of the semester there may be a wait for an intake appointment due to the volume of students seeking assistance. Therefore, we recommend planning ahead by coming in to see a counselor before your situation becomes an emergency.




No-Show Fee and Appeals


Counseling & Psychological Services does not charge for services. However, a no-show fee of $50 for individual, couples, and group screening sessions, or $25 for group sessions will be applied if an appointment is not canceled or rescheduled by 12 noon on the prior business day. Late arrivals will also be subject to a no-show fee. Charges will be posted to the account of enrolled FSU students as “CC Service Fee.” There will be no confidential or sensitive client information disclosed with this fee.

An appeal process is in place to address unforeseen circumstances that may result in a no show or late cancellation fee. To appeal the no-show fee on your student account, you must submit a request via our confidential Fee Appeal Form.

Please note: A separate appeal form must be completed for each fee.

The following are examples of possible reasons to apply for an appeal:

  1. Personal illness: absence due to illness.
  2. Family emergencies: an absence resulting from a serious illness, injury or death of an immediate family member.
  3. Exceptional circumstances: any other circumstances where permission may be granted at the discretion of the school official.
  4. Emergency circumstances: anytime the university sends FSU Alert notifications that include cancellation of classes for the FSU Main Campus, i.e., extreme weather conditions, campus lock-down.


If you are unable to find a parking space in the student parking lots, Counseling & Psychological Services has reserved parking spots located in the parking area in front of the Mendenhall B Facilities and inside the Traditions Parking Garage. You will need to acquire a parking permit from our front desk staff in order to park in these spaces. For any questions about parking, please call us at (850) 644-TALK (8255).



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