Group counseling offers a safe environment in which to give and receive support regarding specific issues, explore healthy behaviors, and develop new ways of coping. It allows an opportunity to learn more about oneself and others in a climate of trust and mutual support.
Counseling & Psychological Services offers a variety of groups each semester for currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students each semester.. Those groups recently offered have focused on issues such as relationships, grief, shyness/social anxiety, common experiences or developing specific skills. Like individual counseling, group counseling is confidential; information disclosed to other members is not discussed outside the group.
While many of our groups run open-endedly, some of our offerings change from semester to semester. Membership in a group is by referral only; all students in our groups have an assigned primary counselor at CAPS. Please speak with your primary counselor about group if you are interested in participating in a group. If you do not have a primary counselor and are interested in our groups, please walk-in Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm and speak with a Triage clinician. Group counseling is a very effective and efficient way to deal with many of the concerns that face undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students.
For more information, call 850-644-TALK (8255) or stop by Counseling & Psychological Services, located on the 2nd floor of the Askew Student Life Center.
American Group Psychotherapy Association: What is Group Therapy?