Email Policy

We welcome your interest and contact. We also value your privacy. Please consider the following information prior to sending us email:

Email is not an appropriate medium for individual questions regarding personal or career counseling. It is most appropriate for requesting general information regarding services, resources, or other campus information. Our staff does not respond to inquiries from our clients regarding specific counseling issues.

Confidentiality is essential to the counseling process and cannot be assured with email.

We cannot guarantee that the contents of an email message will remain confidential. While we will do our best to keep your communication private, email usage can be monitored and the content of your personal messages may be read by others. Often staff access to email is limited to work hours. Also, you have no way of knowing if a specific staff member is unavailable due to illness, vacation, or other reasons. This means that your message may not be read immediately. If time is of particular concern for you, please consider calling our office when requesting information.

If you are an FSU student seeking counseling, please visit our office on the 2nd Floor of the Student Life Building or call (850) 644-TALK (8255) to obtain more information about our services.

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